Fried Green Tomatoes

fried green tomatoes

fried green tomatoes served with curred salmon burgers and baked sweet potatoes

A southern favorite, Steve and I finally tried our hand at these and made our own. They were delicious.


Serves 3-4 as side dish.

3-4 firm green tomatoes, cut into slices
1/2 cup cornmeal
1 cup flour or almond meal
1/2 cup panko
1/2 cup milk
1 egg, beaten
cayenne and garlic salt
1/4 cup peanut or vegetable oil


1. Arrange sliced tomatoes on paper towels and sprinkle with salt to draw out some of the moisture. The breading will have a hard time sticking if you forget this step.

2. In three separate bowls combine flour and garlic salt in one, egg and milk (beaten) in another, and cornmeal and panko in the third.

3. Heat the oil on medium heat.

3. Dip the sliced tomatoes into the flour mixture, then the egg mixture and finally into the cornmeal mixture.

4. In batches fry the tomatoes for a few minutes on each side.

5. Arrange fried tomatoes on fresh paper towels to drain.

6. Serve with a spicy dipping sauce.



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